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Frokostseminar i Center for Samtidsreligion med Till Luge: New Religions in Turkey
ICSRU workshop with Morten Valbjørn
Arab and Islamic Studies and Visual Anthropology are joining filmic forces to bring a screening of film excerpts and a lecture on film, ritual,…
ICSRU workshop presentation by Mette-Louise Johansen
Foredrag i RvF Foredragsholderen er Lene Kühle: lektor og uddannelsesleder ved Religionsvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet
An informal workshop in honour of Professor Dr. Christian Joppke on the occasion of his inauguration as Adjunct Professor at the Department of…
Naveeda Khan of the Johns Hopkins University speaks on Bangladeshi preacher and war criminal Delwar Hossain Sayidee, on the early warning systems for…
ICSRU workshop
Berit Madsen will present her film "Sepideh - Reaching for the Stars" (2013) about the dreams and challenges of a young Iranian woman who wants to…
Mervat Hatem will speak on "The role of gender and youth in Egyptian politics - before, during and after the Arab Revolts."
Side 15 af 18
Arrangementer før 01.01.2013 findes på aisaudk.blogspot.dk.