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Short synopsis of film project (work in progress) by Christian Suhr
PhD Defence Mille Kjærgaard Thorsen
Seminaret, præsenterer nogle af resultater af forskningsprojektet SWAR (Sectarianism in the Wake of the Arab Revolts)
Two PhD projects, one ending and one beginning
Arnaud Kurze maps the creation of alternative transitional justice spaces in post-conflict contexts.
AIAS Guest Lecture
Project presentations on Qurʾān and AISHA
Lecture by Dr. Samir Beglerović, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Sarajevo
Jasper Schwampe will defend his PhD dissertation
Workshop by Research Unit on Radicalization and the Prevention of Extremism (RURPE)
Side 8 af 18
Arrangementer før 01.01.2013 findes på aisaudk.blogspot.dk.