Aarhus Universitets segl

Research seminar

Presentations on a Postdoc project on Cairo and a PhD project on Queer Muslims in Denmark, with subsequent discussion.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 9. april 2025,  kl. 14:15 - 16:00





There will be two presentations:

Mattias Gori Olesen, "Cairo as an Indian Ocean City: The Case of the Indian Shia-Ismaili Dawoodi Bohras"

Since the late 1970s, the most controversial actor in the urban conservation and restoration of Islamic Cairo has been the Indian Ismaili-Shia Dawoodi Bohras, often accused of destroying the historic authenticity of the city. However, the Bohras themselves – considering Cairo of the medieval Shia Fatimid dynasty (10th to 12th cent.) their ancestral home – portray their engagements in the city to have instigated a revival of the Fatimid Islamic tradition, reflected especially in the Bohras’ architectural replication of Cairene Islamic architecture across Indian Ocean locales in India, the Gulf and East Africa. Approaching Cairo as an Indian Ocean city, the presentation discusses the history and contemporary significance of the Bohras’ “return” to, and engagements in, Cairo.

Dina Hessellund Winther Hansen, "Moral Identities: Religious Oscillation of Queer Muslims as Intersectional Subjectivities."

What does it mean to be Muslim and queer? Plenty of recent research has dealt with related aspects in answering this question, none however with a specific focus on how religiosity can be shaped in the interplay between morality and subjectivities. This PhD project aims to explore how queer Muslims experience oscillations in their belief as an outcome mainly of their conception of, manifestation of, and potentially distance to their experienced queerness.