HC Korsholm Nielsen leaves Aarhus for Cairo
From 01.01.15, he is the new director of the Danish Egyptian Dialog Institute (DEDI).

HC Korsholm Nielsen was selected in 2014 to succeed Jakob Erle as director of the Danish Egyptian Dialog Institute (DEDI). Established in 2004, DEDI is is an intergovernmental body with a strong dialogue mandate under the Danish Arab Partnership Programme, DEDI’s core mandate is to promote political and cultural understanding between Denmark and Egypt and Europe and the Arab World. DEDI’s comparative advantages in dialogue competence and its unique intergovernmental status allow for a broad scope of governmental and civil society partnerships to be brought together. Responding to demands for input and facilitation as well as contacts from both Egyptians and Danes, DEDI acts as a bridge builder for Egyptian and Danish partners cooperation.
We are of course sorry to see HC leave Aarhus, but he is taking over an important job at an important time.