ICSRU welcomes Brazilian guest researcher
The ICSRU welcomes Leonardo Schiocchet, who is working in Aarhus on "A Nation Without a Motherland: (Trans)nationalism, Refuge and Social Belonging among Palestinian Refugees in the Middle East, Brazil and Europe."

Dr. Schiocchet is a postdoctoral researcher from CAPES/Brasilia, now based at the Institute for Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
His fieldwork in Aarhus builds on previous fieldwork among Palestinian refugees in Brazil and in the Middle East, particularly in two refugee camps in Lebanon. The final goal of his research is to create a tridimensional model for understanding social belonging among Palestinian refugees in different parts of the world.
Palestinian refugees/immigrants in Aarhus represent the third ethnographic phase of a broader project. It spans July to December 2013, and is located primarily at Bazar Vest and Gellerup. So far, Dr. Schiocchet's work in Aarhus has led him to examine broad changes affecting Danish ideas of nationalism and democracy.