Islam and minorities in the Balkans
Lecture by Anthony Georgieff.

Oplysninger om arrangementet
1467 - 415
Anthony Georgieff was born in Bulgaria in 1963. In early 1989 he left the country and settled in Denmark. In the 1990s he worked as an editor for the BBC World Service in London and Radio Free Europe in Munich and in Prague. In the period 1996-2002 Georgieff was a freelance journalist, writer and photographer based in Copenhagen. He contributed hundreds of articles to newspapers such as Kristeligt Dagblad and Aktuelt in Denmark as well as more specialized publications such as Vinduet mod østen. In 2002 he returned to Bulgaria to become the editor-in-chief of the local version of Playboy magazine.
The lecture on Islam and minorities in the Balkans is arranged by Christian Axboe Nielsen, Section for East European Studies.
Suggested reading:
- Elissa Helms, “East and West Kiss: Gender, Orientalism and Balkanism in Muslim-Majority Bosnia-Herzegovina,” Slavic Review, Vol. 67, No. 1 (Spring 2008), 88-119.
- Xavier Bougarel, “The Role of Balkan Muslims in Building a European Islam,” European Policy Centre Issue Paper No. 43, 22 November 2005. ( )