Multi-Sited Sufism conference held in Istanbul
In late October 2014, a major conference on "Multi-Sited Sufism: Transmissions, Translations, Transcendence" was held in Istanbul.

The conference was the first to trace the connections between today's global Sufi orders from a multi-sited perspective. It brought together scholars from the project on Sufism and Transnational Spirituality (SATS) at Aarhus and beyond: Paola Abenante from Milan, Marcia Hermansen from Loyola, Julia Howell from Western Sydney, Benjamin Soares from Leiden, and Pnina Werbner from Keele, joined by observers from the project on New Religiosities in Turkey housed at the Orient-Institut Istanbul.
Papers covered aesthetics, affectivity, charisma, dreams, esotericism, globality, love, mobility, modernity, sincerity, and subjectivity in and between Britain, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, North America, Pakistan, Singapore, Sudan, West Africa, and Yemen.
The conference lasted two days, and marked the end of the main phase of SATS.