New postdoc for project on the role of social exclusion
Zenia Y. Henriksen joins the Drive project.

The DRIVE project investigates the role of social exclusion, in its many forms, in understanding engagement with ideas that are perceived as radical by some in Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and the UK. Zenia Y. Henriksen is joining the Danish team, led by Mark Sedgwick, professor of Arab and Islamic Studies, to replace Sara Jul Jacobsen, who is moving to the Centre for Documentation and Action against Extremism at the Danish Immigration Service.
Zenia has a PhD from Copenhagen University on contentious politics among Arab media users in Europe, an MA in Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic from Copenhagen University, and a BA in Arab and Islamic Studies from Aarhus University. She also studied at Lund University's media department, and was a visiting scholar at the Freie Universität in Berlin. She is a member of the editorial board of the Scandinavian Journal of Islamic Studies.