Sufism, prayer and burgers in Pakistan
Mikkel Rytter on "Prayers and burgers: Fatal attractions during itikaf among Sufi brothers in Pakistan" in the Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift.

The article, "Bønner og burgere: forbudte fristelser under itikaf blandt sufi-brødre i Pakistan," is in Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift 24 (1), 2013, pp. 26–38.
Based on a number of burger incidents during ten days of itikaf at a Sufi khanaqah (lodge) in Pakistan, it discusses religious self-cultivation among Muslim pilgrims from Denmark. With a focus on food and eating, Rytter discusses how religious brotherhoods and spiritual kinship are established and maintained. He also discusses emic conceptualizations of the nafs, the lower self, and how dedicated Sufis struggle with fatal attractions of various kinds – in this case in the guise of tasty burgers.