The Struggle for Syria
Oraib al-Rantawi, Director of the Al Quds Center for Political Studies (Amman, Jordan) will speak on "The Struggle for Syria redux: The Syrian civil war and the future regional order in the Middle East."
Oplysninger om arrangementet
1333-101 (Aud 1)

While Syria before 2011 was among the leading regional players in the ’struggle for the Middle East’, the country has since the Arab revolts not only been torn apart by a brutal civil war. It has also become an arena for a larger and highly complex rivalry among regional and international powers about the future regional order in the Middle East. In this guest lecture Oraib al-Rantawi, who is one of the leading Middle Eastern observers of regional and Syrian politics, will address the questions about how this regional ‘struggle for Syria’ impacts Syrian civil war and what kind of repercussions the Syrian crisis is going to have for the dynamics of regional politics.
The event will take place in English and is organized with support from IP-Nu (, Department of Political Science & Government, Aarhus University ( and KVINFO (