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With with Mark Juergensmeyer, Mark Sedgwick, Morten Valbjørn, and Lene Kühle
Public lecture by Mark Juergensmeyer
Ricarda Stegmann on the teachings of Faouzi Skali and Khaled Bentounès
Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen talks about "Muslimernes Muhammad - og alle andres"
The presentation will be by Uwe Skoda, Thomas Fibiger, and Cecil Pallesen, on "Constructing the Ocean: Indian Ocean Infrastructures and Thick…
I am the People (Je suis le peuple), A view of the Egyptian revolution from Upper Egypt, by Anna Roussillon, Hautlesmains Production, France, 2015.
ICSRU workshop in response to recent events
PhD workshop on Zoom
Presentation by Christian Suhr (anthropology)
Side 4 af 18
Arrangementer før 01.01.2013 findes på aisaudk.blogspot.dk.