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Jeanne Féaux de la Corix will speak on "Activists for a Better Future: A Comparison of young Muslim Mission and Development Workers in Kyrgyzstan."
Oraib al-Rantawi, Director of the Al Quds Center for Political Studies (Amman, Jordan) will speak on "The Struggle for Syria redux: The Syrian civil…
Manni Crone of the Danish Institute for International Studies will talk about the history of the Danish jihad scene from the 1990s to today.
Workshop by Leonardo Schiocchet, CAPES/Brasilia
Lecture by Anthony Georgieff.
ICSRU workshop with Hans Chr. Korsholm Nielsen
Mark-Antoine Zabbal will speak on the Impact of the Syrian Civil War on Lebanese Politics and the Peace Process in the Middle East
I samarbejde med Imagesfestivalen i Aarhus og biografen Øst for Paradis præsenteres i dagene 3.-5. september 2013 en række syriske film - klassikere…
Christian Suhr will be defending his dissertation, Descending with angels: the invisible in Danish psychiatry and Islamic exorcism.
Peggy Levitt
Page 16 of 18.
For events before 01/01/2013, see aisaudk.blogspot.dk.