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Nicoline Winther will be starting as a PhD fellow from February 1, 2024 with Thomas Fibiger as her supervisor.
Mara Leichtman of Michigan State University will spend this semester in the Department of Political Science on an AUFF fellowship.
Dina Hessellund Winther Hansen is starting a PhD on queer Muslims in Denmark (and beyond).
New 12-month postdoctoral position from summer 2024
Professor Lene Kühle, together with senior researcher Sidsel Vive Jensen, the organisation Dialogue Across and four upper secondary schools in Aarhus,…
Mattias Gori Olesen has joined the Constructing the Ocean project as a postdoctoral researcher
Zenia Y. Henriksen joins the Drive project.
Jihan Zakarriya (AIAS) has received an ERC Starting grant to broaden perspectives on feminisms in the Gulf, with which she will be moving from Aarhus…
Oleg Yarosh will be in Aarhus until June 2023 working on "Sufi communities in the West: transculturation, charisma and cohesion."
Isha Dubey is a new postdoc at the Department of Global Studies in the project “Constructing the Ocean: Indian Ocean Infrastructures and Thick…
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