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Foredrag og bogpræsentation med Wendy Pearlman: "We Crossed a Bridge and it Trembled: Voices from Syria"
Workshop in the SWAR series
PhD Defence with Mette Bjerregaard Mortensen
Bosnian Muslim women’s commitments as ritual leaders: Film and seminar with Catharina Raudvere
Abir Mohamad Ismail talks at the Center for Samtidsreligion
A seminar arranged by the Migration and Mobility Network (MigMob) and the ARTlife research group.
Karen Waltorp (Anthropology) shows and discusses her film about young Muslim women in Copenhagen and beyond
Seminar by Sarit Pisson, University of Haifa
In cooperation with FIFO (Forum for Islamforskning) the inter-disciplinary research group SWAR invites all interested to take part in this seminar.
Four of the leading international experts in sectarian politics, Shia Islamism and Sunni Islamism will discuss important topics on Shia-and…
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For events before 01/01/2013, see aisaudk.blogspot.dk.