"Descending with Angels" completed
Christian Suhr's PhD dissertation "Descending with Angels: The Invisible in Danish Psychiatry and Islamic Exorcism" was successfully defended on July 3, 2013. Suhr now moves on to illnesses of the heart.

The dissertation "Descending with Angels: The Invisible in Danish Psychiatry and Islamic Exorcism" was defended with a committee chaired by Martijn van Beek (Anthropology, Aarhus University) and including Laura U. Marks (Simon Fraser University) and Stefania Pandolfo (University of California at Berkeley). It was followed by a showing of the accompanying film, "Descending with Angels."
Christian Suhr now moves on to a postdoctoral project on the illnesses of the heart, including fieldwork in Egypt, as part of a new project in Visual Anthropology, which runs in tandem to "Eye and Mind," the Visual Anthropology MA program.