Islamic Traditions and Muslim Youth in Norway: Subjectivities, Politics and Piety
Workshop with Christine Jacobsen

Info about event
Nobel Campus, building 1467, room 316
A major question regarding Islam in Europe concerns the religiosity of “Muslim youth,” a category currently epitomizing both the fears and hopes of multicultural Europe. In this workshop, Christine Jacobsen will ask how Islamic traditions are engaged and reworked by young people born and educated in Norway. She will draw on the in-depth ethnographic account that is the basis of her Islamic Traditions and Muslim Youth in Norway (Leiden: Brill, 2010).
Christine Jacobsen is a social anthropologist at IMER Bergen, the International Migration and Ethnic Relations Research Unit. Her work has focused on issues related to Muslim minorities in Europe (France and Norway) and in particular on continuities and changes in religious traditions, identities and practices in a context of international migration, globalization and secular modernity.
Supported by CESAU, the Centre for Sociological Studies at Aarhus University.