Aarhus University Seal

Light Upon Light: Scenes from Ongoing Fieldwork in Cairo

Short synopsis of film project (work in progress) by Christian Suhr

Info about event


Wednesday 27 February 2019,  at 14:15 - 16:00





Having worked for seven years on jinn possession, Islamic exorcism, and radicalization among Danish Muslims, the anthropologist and filmmaker, Christian Suhr, reached a point of exhaustion finding it difficult to work in the toxic political climate of escalating hatred and fear between Muslims and non-Muslims in Europe.

An Egyptian friend gave him a simple advice: “Stop focusing at the darkness in this world: Look at the light”; an approach to life he had learned after having been in and out of Salafism as well as two failed revolutions before he found relief in a different form of religious devotion that is rising among young people in post-revolutionary Egypt.

Christian took the advice and together with the Egyptian filmmaker Mohammad Mustafa, the photographer Amira Mortada, and the philosopher Omar Rakhawy he embarked on a search for the light in the Egyptian capital. Recorded between 2014-19, this film documents their journey through the lights of the city, the Nile, and the desert. In addition the film documents an inner search for answers; what is the light, what does it do, how can there be so much darkness and light in this world and inside ourselves, what is the meaning of these beings of light that sometimes present themselves in the midst of rituals, in our everyday lives, and in our dreams?