The Interconnectedness of the Global Jihadist Movement
Is "global Jihad" a coherent movement? New PhD project with Bjarke Aae.

The objective of the project is to cover new ground in the understanding of the phenomenon of 'Global Jihad' by testing the hypothesis that global Jihadism is a coherent movement, rather than a loosely connected community of interest. This will be done by analysing how and to what degree jihadist organisations interact and exchange military and organisational capabilities across conflict zones, and how this exchange affects their ability and willingness to change their strategic, operational and tactical targets and objectives. Taking into account the military prowess and considerable ideological reach of jihadist organisations, the project aims to bring useful insights into both the field of Terrorism Studies as well as the field of Jihadism Studies. The project is a joint venture between Aarhus University and AIC (Danish Army Intelligence Center).