Young Afghans in Denmark facing uncertain futures
Negotiating and performing narratives of belonging and future-making through Forum Theatre. New PhD project with Julie Nynne Bune

‘Young Afghans in Denmark facing uncertain futures’ seeks to explore how belonging and future-making among young Afghans are negotiated and performed in the context of Afghan Youth networks. The project will engage the Afghan informants in a collaborative approach of Forum Theatre. Forum Theatre workshops will be carried out throughout the fieldwork and the young Afghans will thus be invited to share life stories and perform existential dilemmas. The workshops will offer a space to understand how homeland identity, belonging and future-making is negotiated collectively as well as individually and enacted in different situations. Anthropological fieldwork will be carried out in the context of Afghan youth networks as well as through case-studies.
Julie Nynne Bune is based in the Department of Anthropology and has an MA in anthropology from Copenhagen University.