Aarhus University Seal

PhD seminar

Presentations on two PhD projects, one on Queer Muslims in Denmark and one on young Palestinians in the Jordanian diaspora, with subsequent discussion.

Info about event


Wednesday 9 April 2025,  at 14:15 - 16:00





There will be two presentations:

Dina Hessellund Winther Hansen, "Moral Identities: Religious Oscillation of Queer Muslims as Intersectional Subjectivities."

What does it mean to be Muslim and queer? Plenty of recent research has dealt with related aspects in answering this question, none however with a specific focus on how religiosity can be shaped in the interplay between morality and subjectivities. This PhD project aims to explore how queer Muslims experience oscillations in their belief as an outcome mainly of their conception of, manifestation of, and potentially distance to their experienced queerness.


Nicoline Winther, "Different Registers of Resistance and Agency? Palestinians of Different Social Strata in Jordan Following the War on Gaza - Online and Beyond."

The PhD-project will explore how young Palestinians in the Jordanian diaspora subjectivize themselves ethically following October 7, 2023 with special attention to online practices. With an ethnographic methodology and a comparative lens, it asks how Palestinians of different socioeconomic backgrounds make sense of themselves and the Palestinian grand narrative as war in the homeland unfolds. I am here especially interested in how everyday materialities shape reflections on what it takes to be "a good Palestinian."