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FIFo, the Forum for Islamforskning, is an association of Danish academics from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds with a research interest in in…
Sara Jul Jacobsen joins DRIVE: Resisting Radicalisation Through Inclusion
Cecil Marie Schou Pallesen is a new postdoc at the Departments of the Study of Religion and Anthropology, in the project “Constructing the Ocean:…
With Uwe Skoda (India and South Asia Studies) and Thomas Fibiger (Arab and Islamic Studies)
Ricarda Stegmann investigates contemporary Sufi spirituality of the middle classes.
Morten Valbjørn has received a DKK 770,000 grant from the Carlsberg Foundation for “Rethinking Islamisms: The transformation of Islamist scenes in a…
Christian Suhr (Anthropology) has been awarded €1.5m by the European Research Council for his project on "Heart Openings: The Experience and…
The Arab Lefts: Histories and Legacies, 1950s-1970s, edited by Laure Guirguis, explores the entangled histories of Left-wing trends and surveys…
Aarhus researcher participates in project on preventive partnership policing and the transformation of urban governance
Aarhus case study focuses on the areas surrounding City Vest, areas with high concentrations of Muslim Syrian and Palestinian refugees.
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