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The ICSRU welcomes Leonardo Schiocchet, who is working in Aarhus on "A Nation Without a Motherland: (Trans)nationalism, Refuge and Social Belonging…
Christian Suhr's PhD dissertation "Descending with Angels: The Invisible in Danish Psychiatry and Islamic Exorcism" was successfully defended on July…
After four years at Aarhus and in the ICSRU, Thomas Hoffman has been appointed to a professorship in Quranic Studies at the faculty of Theology,…
Mikkel, previously on a time-limited project appointment, has received a tenured position at AU as an associate professor (lektor).
Mikkel Rytter on "Prayers and burgers: Fatal attractions during itikaf among Sufi brothers in Pakistan" in the Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift.
Martin Riexinger has published an important article on how Muhammad Ibn ?Abd al-Wahhab's biography of the Prophet legitimizes his warfare against…
Maria-Louise Clausen is starting a PhD research project on how local actors seek and gain influence on externally supported democracy processes in…
The anthropologist Christian Suhr, who works on Islam in Denmark, has been appointed to the team working on the project on Islam and Muslims in Danish…
The new website of the ICSRU has been launched. This is it!
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