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Asmaa Hassaneen is doing her PhD research on Palestinian memory, focusing on the relation between the saga genre and memory studies, and how both…
Thomas Fibiger, specialist in contemporary Shi‘i Islam in Bahrain and Kuwait, has been appointed to an associate professorship in the Department for…
Mark Sedgwick has been elected Chair of the Nordic Association for Middle Eastern Studies
Martin Riexinger has been elected vice-president of FIFO, Forum for Islamforskning, the Danish Association for the Study of Islam
Headed by Morten Valbjørn together with Jeroen Gunning (King’s College London), and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Anne Kirstine Rønn Sørensen will be investigating social movements that seek to challenge sectarianism in the Middle East and the Balkans, focusing on…
"The Post-revolutionary condition" as a frame for understanding aesthetic strategies
Wesam Mohamed is working on "Community Participation in Protecting Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis: understanding and learning from the 'Egyptian…
Anastasia Shanaah starts a new PhD project
A new PhD project with Mattias Gori Olesen studies the life and works of the Muslim Egyptian anti-imperialist intellectual Muḥammad Luṭfī Jumʿa…
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